Welcome to the Carriage House Studio!


Kristyn Wink Hair at the Carriage House is a private haircutting studio located beside Baltimore’s beautiful Cylburn Arboretum. You’ll find us located directly adjacent to the Stone Mansion.

Located at 4901 Springarden Drive Baltimore MD 21209, This charming historic building offers off-street parking and is convenient to I-83.


Feel free to park anywhere in the lot! The enterence to the Carriage House is on the back side, facing the townhouses behind the property.. just enter at the double doors where you see the sign reading “Enter Here for Kristyn Wink Hair”.

Running Late for an Appointment? call 410.645.0441 to notify Kristyn.

Please note that this phone number is only answered during Kristyn’s working hours but you can text anytime Monday-Friday with questions!

You can direct any other questions or concerns to kwinkhair@gmail.com.